Aerobika Wins Gold at MDEA Awards

28 March, 2015

The Aerobika® Device, Marketed by Monaghan Medical in the United States, benefits COPD patients and wins Gold at MDEA Awards 


PLATTSBURGH, NY., July 16, 2014: The Aerobika® Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) Therapy System has earned Gold at the Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA). MDEA is an International Award recognizing groundbreaking products that save lives, improve patient healthcare, change the face of medical technology, and overcome design and engineering challenges. It is one of the medical technology industry's highest honors.


The Aerobika® Oscillating PEP device is a drug-free, easy to use, hand-held device that helps people with COPD, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and other respiratory conditions to breathe easier and live better. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the fourth leading cause of death globally and continues to grow in prevalence. Clinical evaluations conducted at Robarts Research Institute (Western University, London) demonstrated use of the device could significantly reduce breathlessness and improve patient’s quality of life.

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